
  • Every group member must contribute to the project, including a certain amount of coding.

  • The role played by and contribution of each member to the project must be included in the managerial report.

  • We do not give any extra marks to leaders and all the students will be evaluated based on their attempts in conducting assignments.


Your group has to submit the softcopy of the following items:

  1. A technical report explaining the assigned task, the requirements of the task, the approach taken to solve the task, a detailed description of your solution (including the flowchart, modules, etc.), sample snapshot of your program output.

  2. A managerial report explaining the formation of the group, role and assigned work for each of the members, the project timeline, the problems faced in accomplishing this assignment and your solutions, and other issues encountered.

  3. The complete source code.

For softcopy, the group leader will submit them in one .zip file to Spectrum. The name of the zip file should be

Important Dates

Submission: (week 13th)

Viva/demo: (week 14th)

Marking Scheme: (20 marks)

  1. Meeting the basic task requirements, i.e. identify the requirements of the task and produce a workable solution - 12 marks.

  2. Extra features/functionalities that are not included in the task specification - 4 marks.

  • Reports (4 marks)


Plagiarism is prohibited, should there be any evidence found, it will result in a heavy penalty on your assignment grades!

If you have any questions please send me an email (

Good luck and have fun!

Last updated